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Audit Log


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To help maintain accountability for users with elevated permissions the Forem application has a special model that records certain actions.

For example, when a user with the trusted role creates a negative reaction on an article, a record is created with certain information about that action.

That record (which we call an AuditLog) looks something like this:

id: 1,
category: "moderator.audit.log",
created_at: Thu, 07 May 2020 20:25:31 UTC +00:00,
{"action"=>"create", "category"=>"vomit", "controller"=>"reactions", "reactable_id"=>"16", "reactable_type"=>"Article"},
roles: ["trusted"],
slug: "create",
updated_at: Thu, 07 May 2020 20:25:31 UTC +00:00,
user_id: 21>

You can see from this record that the user with an id of 21 created a vomit reaction on the article with an id of 16. If that's not obvious to you from this object, don't worry, just take our word on it.

You can find an example of Audit::Logger in action in app/controllers/admin/reactions_controller.rb:

  after_action only: [:update] do
Audit::Logger.log(:moderator, current_user, params.dup)

This code creates a record to indicate that a someone modified a reaction from the admin controller.

It's a good idea to add a similar after_action to any controller action that might benefit from increased transparency.

Additionally, the AuditLog is used to track important actions performed on a user's account, e.g. adding or removing a credit card:

#<AuditLog:0x00000001193ce348> {
category: "user.credit_card.edit",
created_at: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 06:35:13 +03 +03:00,
data: {
"action" => "create",
"controller" => "stripe_active_cards",
"user_action" => "add"
id: 4,
roles: [],
slug: "credit_card_add",
updated_at: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 06:35:13 +03 +03:00,
user_id: 53